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Boolantics is a unique rogue-like deck builder video game, in which players must create logic gate circuits to break into increasingly difficult firewalls. With a 90s / early 2000s dark web aesthetic (think Windows 98 meets Anonymous).


The game will have players racking their brains, calculating the maximum potential out of their deck and coming up with cunning strategies to beat their highscores.


Players will be given access to a shop, offering consumables and upgrades for their gates. These will expand the potential outcomes of a playthrough and give players the opportunity to break out of the expected behaviours of a logic gate circuit.

Boolantics is being developed as part of Tranzfuser 2024, which you can learn more about on our home page here.



As mentioned above, we are developing Boolantics as part of Tranzfuser 2024, a British game development competition to encourage the creation of new games studios in the UK. This is not the only reason, however.

Boolantics and Bool Studios encompasses the passion of our team to create and find a place for ourselves in the ever-growing games industry landscape. Each of our six developers have decided to be apart of this team to develop our skills and build experience, with the hopes of becoming part of the industry which creates our favourite pieces of art and media.


Keep scrolling through the gallery to see our project go from an early prototype to where we're at now!


With Boolantics our main aims are to:


1. develop and publish Boolantics as our first professional project as a team and as individuals. 


2. To create a unique, interesting, and ultimately fun new experience to bring to the Indie market. 


3. To learn and gain development experience as a team, during our time as part of Tranzfuser 2024 and into the future.


Month 1: June 2024

Initial technical development/ prototyping, research & setting up marketing/ social media presence.

Month 2: July 2024

 Further technical development, initial art asset development, further marketing/ social media presence building & a solidified primary game loop.

Month 3: August 2024

 Further art asset development, design iteration, first QA testing phase & sound/ music implementation & publishing a Steam page.

Month 4: September 2024

 Further QA testing, setting up a virtual slice, showcasing & pitching in Dundee as part of Tranzfuser 2024 at ProtoPlay.

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