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Welcome to the third development log for Boolantics, our deckbuilder-roguelike project.

This log covers the work and developments that have taken course over the week starting 22nd July. We're glad to report that we've made significant advancements this week, with the shop mechanic being partially developed, new card designs being implemented into the project and the development our first prototype background music pieces.


As mentioned above, the shop is in development, with some of the first 'packages' being made available to the player. The modifiers available in the shop also have functionality, however this is limited to only certain packages.​

The card design has been drawn up and implemented, with a clever design that follows traditional playing cards. The name of the gate is on the left of the card, this allows the player to see all options in their hand even when they have a large number of cards available. Another visual aspect we have been developing this week is the VFX. We've been experimenting with different styles of VFX for the project and have landed on using ASCII to create unique particle effects which fit the theme of the game, you can see an example of this in the gallery!

Some prototype background music has also been made for during gameplay and when using the shop. There will be further iterations on the pieces as development continues.



main theme test.3Artist Name
00:00 / 00:55
shop theme test 2Artist Name
00:00 / 00:41



​Technical features/ mechanics

  • Fundamental shop functionality, shop now spawns random modifiers and effects player economy accordingly

  • Specific modifier functionality

  • Modifier statistics linked to hovered UI panel


Visual features

  • Improved card design implemented 

Audio features

  • Main theme and shop theme prototyped

Bugs fixed

  • Cards no longer invert their colours when a gate is placed too fast


Technical features​


  • Improved shop functionality

  • More functional modifiers

  • Modifier rarity system prototyped


  • Steam page to be in development

Bug fixes​

  • Fix shop text and packs not resetting upon leaving the shop

Thank you for reading! We'll be back with another dev log next week!

If you would like to know more about our developments and project, join our Discord server! Members of our Discord can ask us about the project and discuss amongst other fans of the project :)

The Discord server link can be found on the social media bar below or on our linktree here:

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