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Welcome to the fifth development log for Boolantics, our roguelike-deckbuilder project.

This log covers the work and developments that have taken course over the week starting 5th August. We have a level system prototyped which will allow players to choose different firewalls based on difficulty and potential rewards and have implemented a profile save system!


As mentioned above the save system which was being prototyped last week has been implemented into a main menu scene for further testing. You can now save profiles which will store different instances of gameplay runs, saving your progress on that profile. We have also began developing a level system which which will give players the option to choose different network paths which will lead to different firewall bosses. Each 'region' will lead to a different type of network topology which contains firewalls and eventually a boss firewall which when beaten will defeat the network. This allows for choice of difficulty, as some regions/ networks may be more suited to your current deck or offer better rewards upon defeating the boss firewall. 

Our designers are now able to add different starting decks and new firewall bosses using scriptable objects,  they will be testing and iterating upon our expansive list of ideas we wish to implement in these areas during the next few weeks. 





​Technical features/ mechanics

  • Profile creation, editing and deletion

  • Prototyped level selection ​​​​​​


Technical feature/ mechanics

  • Improved level system functionality 

  • Different network topologies (levels)

  • Linking different network topologies (levels) to different firewall bosses 

  • Different starting decks which offer challenge and novelty

Bug fixes

  • Fix gate-point scoring not showing up above gates when running a circuit

  • Fix tooltip not positioning correctly with new canvas

  • Fix cards being able to be picked up with both mouse buttons

Thank you for reading! We'll be back with another dev log next week!

If you would like to know more about our developments and project, join our Discord server! Members of our Discord can ask us about the project and discuss amongst other fans of the project :)

The Discord server link can be found on the social media bar below or on our linktree here:

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