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Welcome to the seventh development log for Boolantics, our roguelike-deckbuilder project.

This log covers the work and developments that have taken course over the weeks starting 19th & 26th August. 


Our team has been busy over the last two weeks making lots of progress, to the point where we have reached version Alpha2.0 of the project! From a finished basic level system to seed generation and reworked firewall functionality.

As mentioned above, on the technical side the level system that has been in development has been finalised for basic functionality but will likely be revisited in the future to improve player experience. Seed generation has also been implemented so each run will be distinctly unique with different sets of boss firewalls and networks (levels) to defeat, this pairs with improved firewall functionality. Firewalls will now be random in each network, boss firewalls also use seed generation but are limited to one per network.

For design and player experience we have a new truth table and a change to the shop system. The truth table has been redisigned to improve readability, with 'T' and 'F' to represent true and false values rather than 0s and 1s, which new players may find confusing if they're not familiar with booleans and their logic. The shop will now not be accessible after every firewall but instead a random quantity will appear in each network which the player can visit once. This will incentivise players to proceed with greater caution when deciding what modifiers and hacks to purchase when in the shop, which will make each visit to the shop more impactful.

We have also produced our first trailer for the project! This is yet to be published publicly but will be in the next few days.




​Technical features/ mechanics

  • Working basic level system
  • Seed generation

  • Reworked firewall functionality


Design features/ mechanics

  • New Truth table

  • Shop rework​​​


  • Polish of existing features and preparing the game for early testing

  • Quality of life improvements

  • New SFX

  • Improving VFX (trails & art)

  • Shop re-design

Thank you for reading! We'll be back with another dev log next week!

If you would like to know more about our developments and project, join our Discord server! Members of our Discord can ask us about the project and discuss amongst other fans of the project :)

The Discord server link can be found on the social media bar below or on our linktree here:

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