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Welcome to the eighth development log for Boolantics, our roguelike-deckbuilder project.

This log covers the work and developments that have taken course over the week starting 2nd September. 


This week has been one focused on rescoping, reworking and implementation. We've been implementing some of the SFX and VFX work done over the past few weeks and have begun reworking the shop mechanic again to be more straightforward. There's also some new animations and artwork in development which we hope to implement in the coming weeks.


SFX is arguably one of the most important aspects to consider when designing for responsive and tactile game feedback, so our sound designer has been hard at work creating several iterations and examples of SFX for instances such as card selection, level selection and card placing. Some of these SFX will be included in the audio gallery!

Our new VFX developments include icons for firewall bosses to make them identifiable and unique in gameplay. We are also looking into changing the firewall colour for different firewall bosses, which will further promote recognisabilty.

A shop rework is being implemented to simplify the shop cycle as a gameplay mechanic. Originally the shop included 'packs' which contained random modifiers or gates, however with the rework the shop will now be split into three distinct sections. Each of these sections will host different types of purchasable items. One will be for new gates, one for modifiers to be added to gates and one for system hacks (more impactful upgrades such as increasing hand size, disabling a firewall boss mechanic, etc.).

We are also preparing for ProtoPlay in Dundee at the end of this month [September 2024] We will be hosting a stall at the event so if you're attending please come and say hello!​

Tickets are available here for the public on the 27th & 28th:



menu button clickArtist Name
00:00 / 00:22
level selectArtist Name
00:00 / 00:22
placing a gateArtist Name
00:00 / 00:22



​Technical features/ mechanics

  • New SFX implemented
  • New SFX created
  • Shop rework started 
Bug fixes
  • Fixed bug which allows the player to enter each shop more than once in a network
  • Fixed bug where score was not calculating at end of circuit completion
  • Fixed bug which allowed hovering over sockets after picking up a gate
  • Fixed bug where the wire was sticking to mouse cursor​
  • Fixed animation errors upon completing a network
  • Fixed bug where a top white line was appearing when game has been restarted​​​


  • VFX implementation

  • New animations implementation

  • Implementation of prototype main menu

  • Full implementation of shop rework

Thank you for reading! We'll be back with another dev log next week!

If you would like to know more about our developments and project, join our Discord server! Members of our Discord can ask us about the project and discuss amongst other fans of the project :)

The Discord server link can be found on the social media bar below or on our linktree here:

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