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Welcome to the first development log for Boolantics, our deckbuilder-roguelike project.

This log covers the work and developments that have taken place in the first six weeks of the project. We decided not to publish any logs before this time because we felt there was not enough content to discuss as we were still in the process of creating the first prototype.


Our developers and technical designers have been hard at work developing the first working prototype for the project, implementing the foundational features and mechanics needed.

Initial art assets are being drawn up and iterated upon by our visual designer. We're aiming for a visual style which is both aesthetically parallel to the mechanics and context as well as readable for players, providing satisfying visual feedback.

Background music is being experimented with and iterated upon also, to find what kind of audio aesthetic we'd like for the game. Again the aim for the music and sound is for it to feel synchronous with the visual and gameplay aesthetic we're building.

We're currently in the process of trying to build social media presence, different strategies are being reviewed, such as promoting ourselves through video-format avenues such as TikTok & Twitch. 

Different card modifiers and boss types are being discussed and proposed for implementation by our designers, so that we can provide variety and challenge in gameplay.




​Technical features/ mechanics

  • Gate placement

  • Gate connections

  • Basic deck view

  • Gate scoring (functionality and number pop up)

  • Scalable circuit board

  • Truth table/ logic tables for each gate

Visual features

  • Initial gate designs

  • Gate colour output match

  • Moving circuit connections

  • Circuit flow animation


Technical features​


  • Prototyping card modifiers

  • Prototyping firewall modifiers

  • Bug fixing and responding to playtest feedback

Visual features

  • Animations/better visuals for gate scoring/running circuit

  • UI improvements with cards and positioning

Thank you for reading! We'll be back with another dev log next week!

If you would like to know more about our developments and project, join our Discord server! Members of our Discord can ask us about the project and discuss amongst other fans of the project :)

The Discord server link can be found on the social media bar below or on our linktree here:

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