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Welcome to the second development log for Boolantics, our deckbuilder-roguelike project.


This log covers the work and developments that have taken course over the week starting 15th July.


Whilst some progress has been made on the project this week it has been less than weeks prior, this has been due to the fact all of our team graduated this week! We've all been busy celebrating and having a breather.


Gate modifiers are our next big feature that we hope to get implemented, so this week some technical development has been focused on getting the framework for the modifiers ready. Once that architecture has been completed our designers can come in and start adding the myriad of gate modifiers we wish to include.


Remaining technical development time has been used to improve visual usability by improving the players hand. The players hand should now scale relative to the number of gates the player has.


The UI is currently being designed and prototyped. Our aim with the UI design is for it to feel embed with the visual aesthetics, fitting the 90s-2000s dark web theme.


The logic gate sprites are being updated by our visual designer who is using vector art to produce production ready graphics. Concept art for how the logic gates are presented to the player is being drawn up, as we would like to stray away from a typical card-style design.


Audio sets are being experimented with and prototyped by our sound designer to fit the mentioned theme.


On the marketing side we have been creating a weekly timeline to ensure frequent posts and interactions makes the delivering of marketing assets smoother.




​Technical features/ mechanics


  • Implemented gate modifier architecture

  • Gate hand display improved to scale relative to number of gates in player's hand


Visual features


  • Vector gate designs and graphics added to project



  • Weekly posting schedule finalised


Technical features​


  • Prototype shop which spawns random modifiers


Visual features


  • Finalised hand design for the 'cards' (gates)


UI features

  • Prototype UI design implemented



  • First TikTok video posted

Thank you for reading! We'll be back with another dev log next week!


If you would like to know more about our developments and project, join our Discord server! Members of our Discord can ask us about the project and discuss amongst other fans of the project :)


The Discord server link can be found on the social media bar below or on our linktree here:

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